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A Little Ice Anyone?

So far the winter of 2011-12 has been a bust for ice and snow lovers. Ski resorts in the mid-Atlantic states are singing the blues and Southwest Virginia has been pressing temperatures close to 70 degrees as recently as Wednesday. But Roanokers have been heading indoors in droves to get their winter weather whenever the Roanoke Civic Center has made ice available for open public “free skates.” Hundreds of mostly young skaters took to the ice on a recent Sunday as temps soared outside. Perhaps Mother Nature will fulfill their winter wishes before February gives way to Spring’s warmer breezes . . .


o far the winter of 2011-12 has been a bust for ice and snow lovers. Ski resorts in the mid-Atlantic states are singing the blues and Southwest Virginia has been pressing temperatures close to 70 degrees as recently as Wednesday. But Roanokers have been heading indoors in droves to get their winter weather whenever the Roanoke Civic Center has made ice available for open public “free skates.” Hundreds of mostly young skaters took to the ice on a recent Sunday as temps soared outside. Perhaps Mother Nature will fulfill their winter wishes before February gives way to Spring’s warmer breezes . . .

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