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Defense Cuts Will Hurt America and Virginia

Recent years have proved the world tumultuous and violent, and this is no more apparent than in the last few months of anti-American sentiments abroad. Instead of insuring that we have a strong fighting force as threats against the U.S. rise, President Obama is proposing defense cuts that would leave America weak defensively and economically.
In Virginia we know how important strong military jobs are to our economy, and we don’t want to see the President grow other aspects of the government while cutting off defense spending. Downsizing defense spending means downsizing military—as well as economic—might. The he President’s automatic defense cuts would put 130,000 jobs at risk in Virginia alone.
America needs a president who sees the importance of insuring the safety of the American people and their values domestically and abroad. President Obama has proved that defense is not in his list of priorities, and in doing so showed us that neither is job creation. Mitt Romney, on the other hand, has promised that one of his top priorities will be making America safer while creating American jobs. One of these people sounds like the type of leader Virginia can believe in, and he isn’t the one who currently holds the Oval Office.
Shirley Joslin

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