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Obama Has Not Lived Up to Promises

We all expect to hear empty campaign promises from politicians, but President Obama’s double-speak on coal is a particular insult to all Virginians who have lost jobs or paid more to heat their homes thanks to his disastrous policies. He’s previously acknowledged that our coal industry creates quality, high-paying jobs. Yet he’s also made clear his goal of bankrupting anyone who wants to build a coal plant. That cuts particularly deeply for the Virginia workers who are about to lose their jobs thanks to the recent announcement that 8 coal mines owned by Alpha Natural Resources will soon be closed. And it hurts the countless families who are struggling to make ends meet and who really can’t afford the burden of higher gas and energy prices.

President Obama hasn’t’ lived up to his promises to improve the lots of middle-class Americans. It’s time to give someone else a chance – someone who will actually keep his promises and deliver a better future for Virginia families.

Earnestine Dayton


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