Her children rise up and call her blessed — Prov. 31:28a (ESV)
We celebrate Mother’s Day once a year, but how can we adequately express our gratitude? For starters, if not for your mom, you wouldn’t be reading this!
Considering all the tasks many moms face daily, salary.com asks, “If stay-at-home moms earned an annual salary for all the jobs they perform on a daily basis, how much would they earn?
“We surveyed more than 19,000 moms since the start of the pandemic and have estimated the value of a mother’s work by tracking real-time market prices of all the jobs that moms perform. The result? The median annual salary for stay-at-home moms this past year is $184,820 – rising $6,619 above the pre-pandemic median.
“And if you factor in pay premiums that companies offer like bonuses, overtime, and hazard pay due to the increased intensity of the work this past year, a stay-at-home mom could earn more than $200,000 annually!
I think we can all agree, they are worth every penny.
“We all know that moms are the ultimate multi-taskers, juggling lots of different responsibilities all day, every day but it doesn’t really sink in until you see the full list. This year’s study gave consideration to traditional roles – like housekeeper, dietitian, and facilities director – and newer roles – like network administrator, social media communications. In the end, the mom role includes more than 20 different positions:
- Chief Financial Officer
- Chief Operating Officer
- Logistics Analyst
- Housekeeper
- Laundry Manager
- Van Driver
- Public School Teacher
- Facilities Manager
- Meeting/Event Planner
- Kitchen Manager
- Assistant Athletics Director
- Staff Nurse – RN
- Bookkeeper
- Physical Therapy Supervisor
- Nutrition Director
- Consumer Loan Officer
- Fast Food Cook
- Server
- Conflicts Manager
- Interior Designer
- Fundraising Coordinator
“Turns out that in the last year moms have spent an average of 20 hours per week in two key roles:
- Chief Financial Officer – manages day-to-day finances and focuses on overall financial well-being
- Chief Operating Officer – makes sure everyone else is following the plan and that things are getting done.”
Clearly, in many families, mom is the “glue” who holds the family together. In fact, respecting mom is one of the “Big Ten” in the Bible.
“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you” (Exodus 20:12 NIV). Notice, it’s the first of the Ten Commandments that includes a promise, and there’s no loophole like “Honor your parents as long as they’re perfect people.”
Let’s face it, have you been a perfect child?
Honor mom on Mother’s Day and every day she is on this earth.
And remember the bumper sticker: “SMILE! YOUR MOM CHOSE LIFE!”