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I truly think that Mark Memmot, the senior director of standards and practices at CBS News, may either have too much time on his hands or he is simply an anti-Semite. In fact, I would love to know what his salary is per year. Whatever it is, I suspect that he is overly compensated, and should be immediately fired.

In an August email by Memmot to “thousands” of CBS journalists in reference to the city of Jerusalem, which reeked of radical revisionism, the The Free Press reported that he wrote on August 8, “Do not refer to it as being in Israel.” Well, Mr. Memmot, you are a little late to the show because all of Jerusalem has been “in Israel” since the end of its preemptive Six-Day War on June 10, 1967. That was over fifty-seven years ago.

East Jerusalem has been legally occupied since four Arab armies including Jordan, who controlled both East Jerusalem and the West Bank of the Jordan River, had massed their armies and were about to attack Israel on June 4, 1967. Israel preemptively and wisely attacked both Egypt and Syria, and repeatedly warned Jordan to stop shelling them after the war in both the Sinai Peninsula and Golan Heights had already begun, but Jordan refused to stop.

Therefore, Israel invaded East Jerusalem and the entire West Bank with Jordan losing all its territories west of the East Bank of the Jordan River. Consequently, all Jewish and other holy sites in both East Jerusalem and the West Bank were finally open to the Israeli public regardless of religion for the first time since the British mandate had ended on May 15, 1948.

Israel invaded, conquered and legally occupied East Jerusalem reuniting all of Jerusalem under Israeli or Jewish rule. This was the first time this had occurred since the Roman General Vespasian brutally and unmercifully conquered the entire city in August 70 A.D., and destroyed the Second Temple leaving only a remnant of the Western Wall. According to the Jewish Virtual Library, “it is estimated that as many as one million Jews died” during the Jews’ Great Revolt from 66 to 70 A.D. culminating in the catastrophic and total destruction of Jerusalem.

As Morton A. Klein, the President of the Zionist Organization of America, stated, “‘CBS News is ignoring that the U.S. Congress recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in 1995, when Congress passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act, by an overwhelmingly vote of 93-5 in the U.S. Senate and 347-37 in the U.S. House.'” Today, Jerusalem and not Tel Aviv is the capital of Israel, and that is exactly why former President Trump against the advice of a squeamish U.S. State Department finally moved our embassy there on May 14, 2018.

Memmot also stated on October 8, “‘Yes, the U.S. embassy is there and the Trump administration recognized it as being Israel’s capital. But its status is disputed,'” adding “the status of Jerusalem goes to the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Israel regards Jerusalem as its ‘eternal and undivided’ capital, while the Palestinians claim East Jerusalem—occupied by Israel in the 1967 Middle East war—as the capital of a future state.”

Memmot is totally mistaken when he stated that “the status of Jerusalem goes to the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” The heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is Palestine’s absolute refusal to recognize Israel’s existence. They want Israel destroyed, and the Jews exterminated à la Adolf Hitler.

Palestine’s capital is, and will probably be in Ramallah or some other city either on the West Bank or Gaza Strip. I nominate the beautiful city of Rawabi located near Ramallah. It would make a beautiful and futuristic capital city for Palestine.

There is nothing that Mark Memmot of the CBS News can say in his effort to support the idea that Jerusalem is not the capital of Israel. Furthermore, CBS News needs to fire him for being so ignorant of both ancient and modern Jewish/Israeli history- or because of his latent anti-Semitism – or both.

Until that time occurs, I shall be watching either the NBC Evening News or the ABC Evening News at 6:30 p.m.

– Robert L. Maronic

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