Sustainability isn’t a quirk or a trend; it’s the future. When you switch to environmentally friendly policies as much as possible, more clients or customers are willing to choose your brand over others. It’s a great marketing move and allows you to reduce your company’s negative impact on the world around you. More and more businesses in Virginia are implementing eco-friendly strategies to reduce carbon emissions and make the world a better place for everyone. If you’re overwhelmed about making major changes to your business, you can start smaller. There are many simple changes you can make that significantly benefit the environment.
Switch to Renewable Energy
Renewable energy, like wind, solar, or geothermal power, is very clean and sustainable, as it never runs out. While a decade or so ago, switching to solar was out of reach for many residential and commercial buildings in Virginia, it’s easier than ever now. Over the past decade, Virginia’s renewable power generation rose from a mere 22 GWh of solar to over 6,100 GWh of solar and wind power. You can install solar panels or wind turbines in less than a day at affordable prices. While you’ll have to take on the upfront costs, it will pay for itself in no time with additional dedicated clientele and lower energy bills.
Efficient Waste Disposal
If your business doesn’t recycle, it’s time to get started. Proper waste disposal goes beyond recycling, however. You’re going to want to shift your entire approach to better waste disposal methods. You want less waste overall, for starters. Regardless of your industry, implement ways to reduce your company’s waste output, especially if the waste is not recyclable. Waste reduction may mean switching to reusable products instead of single-use when possible. It may also mean switching from a certain plastic to a more recyclable material, like paper or cardboard. You’ll also want to encourage recycling whenever possible. Instead of placing trash cans in offices, include different recycling containers so employees or visitors have options. Reuse items whenever possible. If you don’t have a recycling dumpster, you can buy or rent one as a business expense to make recycling easier. There are plenty of statewide recycling programs in Virginia. Finding self-dumping hoppers near me opened up my options for commercial recycling disposal in bulk. Explore your options to adopt the most efficient waste disposal processes company-wide.
Use Less Water
Water waste not only costs your business additional overhead, but it also harms the ecosystem. The presence of large tech centers in Virginia contributes to a lot of water waste and demand. For some industries like these, using less water is more difficult. However, there are many subtle ways you can save water without affecting productivity. Low-flow faucets are a great option for bathrooms and utility sinks, allowing you to use water as needed without cutting it off entirely. Automatic, timed sinks and toilets can also help conserve water. Greywater recycling can help businesses reuse water instead of wasting it.
Buy Less Plastic
Plastic is a popular choice for businesses because it’s the cheapest and most accessible option. Plastic packaging, bags, and manufacturing materials are rampant throughout the commercial world. Unfortunately, many plastics aren’t recyclable or end up in Virginia’s landfills, where they can take decades to hundreds of years to break down naturally. However, you can make a difference by switching to an eco-friendly alternative, like sustainably sourced paper or cardboard. Explore your options for biodegradable material or plastic alternatives wherever possible.
Install Some Low-Cost Smart Technology
Smart technology connects the building’s systems to the internet to make them more efficient and accessible. Smart thermostats allow you to schedule, monitor, and control the temperature from anywhere at any time, making it easier to reduce HVAC usage when the building is not occupied. Smart lighting allows you to control brightness, color, and energy consumption as needed. This technology comes in security systems, cameras, door locks, kitchen appliances, routers, and more. Smart tech not only makes these devices more accessible but optimizes their energy efficiency as well. Many Virginia businesses enjoy the convenience and sustainability that smart technology brings.
Allow Remote Work
When employees come to work, they use the workplace’s devices, HVAC system, internet, and other resources, increasing the building’s energy consumption. In most cases, their commutes also contribute to fossil fuel emissions from their cars. In fact, transportation is the largest source of air pollution in Virginia. Opting for remote or hybrid work whenever possible reduces this pollution and energy consumption from their physical presence. Many employees thrive in remote environments, increasing productivity, which is great for business and your workforce. Enabling remote work can significantly improve your eco-friendliness and lower your business’s utility bills.
Donate Supplies
Businesses go through a lot of items and technology they no longer need. For example, when office computers are upgraded, older models are disposed of when they could be of further use. Donate old technology to charities or electronic recycling services to reduce landfill overflow and provide goods to those in need. You can also donate office supplies, old uniforms, used furniture, or anything your business no longer needs that can be of use to someone. You can find donation sites in your area with a quick online search. Virginia has plenty of charities and electronic recycling companies to choose from. You can even partner with them to pick up donated items. Donating items allows you to waste less and reuse more.
If you want your Virginia business to thrive in the present and future as a sustainable business, you’ll need to adopt energy-efficient practices. Not only is environmental friendliness the most ethical choice that helps the planet you live on, but it also can draw in customers, reduce production costs, and make your workforce more productive. You may not be able to adopt every eco-friendly method out there, but the more work you put into transitioning, the greater your chances of success.