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John Robinson

JOHNNY ROBINSON: What The Brain Can Do

Not long ago I wrote about my utter fascination with the art and science of . . . dreams. I mean think about it - in dreaming, our crafty...

JOHNNY ROBINSON: The Magic of Merlin

It’s technological genius. It’s revolutionary. Its a game changer. It’s Merlin the bird identification app...

JOHNNY ROBINSON: The Dream Machine

Best I can figure, I’ve been using the same alarm clock since about 1982. The...

Walking With Friends – Through Chemo and Beyond

It’s 6:00 AM, pitch dark and cold. I’m in front of my house stretching my...

JOHNNY ROBINSON: Walking With Friends – Through Chemo and Beyond

It’s 6:00 AM, pitch dark and cold. I’m in front of my house stretching my...

New Orleans: Beyond the Saints

“Oh yeah, Dad, the parking situation is tricky,” our son Adam announces. We end up squeezing their car and ours into a space more...

Skiing in Fishburn Park

As I tighten my grip on the thick rope my oversized mittens wring cold water. The rope continues to run through my hands until...

Hiking Hadrian’s Wall with the Spirits of the Centurions

Eighteen-year-old Philip drives us to Cawfields, where we plan to begin our hike. We spent last night at his family’s 300-year-old stone farmhouse, and...

What Happens at the Star . . .

I don’t know about you, but I am amazed that the city leaders could agree on it. But there it is, standing atop Roanoke’s Mill...

A Hard Earned View Over the South China Sea

Small glassy waves lap at the sand, but otherwise it is silent. The calm South China Sea stetches out to the south, small islands...

Down and Out on the Isle of Skye

We leave our bikes, with the constable’s blessing, leaning up against the weathered brick of the tiny, police station. The town of Broadford...