Jon Kaufman
Technology Gone Awry . . . Hal, Meet Sam
by Jon Kaufman
Ever been scolded by a person who does not exist? Thanks to the wonders of technology, such an encounter is not only possible, it’s probable. Approaching...
My Dogs Don’t Do Time Zones
by Jon Kaufman
The state of Arizona does not believe in daylight savings time and...
My, My . . . How They Grow Up and We Don’t
by Jon Kaufman
Can a young man who once attempted to clean his room with...
I Have Questions . . . I Hope You Have Answers
by Jon Kaufman
I have questions. These are not topical queries such as, “If the United...
Rumbling, Bumbling, Stumbling . . . New Job!
by Jon Kaufman
Friends, when last we spoke I was mired in state of unemployment,...
A Character With Great Character
by Jon KaufmanAs a child, while sweating it out in my dentist's waiting room, I would often read back issues of Reader's Digest...
Meet Your Friendly Neighborhood Automotive Assassin
by Jon KaufmanHi. My name is Jon and I am a killer of cars.
Recently, when returning from Lynchburg, I became stranded when my...
College Boys and K-Nines Create “Atmosphere”
by Jon KaufmanFriends, when last we spoke a congregation of teenaged hooligans were plundering my home, seizing any and all consumables they could...
When the “Children” Come Home to Roost
What form does empty nest syndrome take when the flock comes home to roost? This is a question I murmured to myself over...
Public Speaking Requires Divine Intervention
Perhaps the most common phobia shared by people of all ages is the fear of speaking in public. Clearly, the thought of standing before...
Daytime TV Programming Should Heal the Sickest Among Us
It's no fun being sick. Last week I was re-visited by a frequent, yet unwanted guest; a rather large and stubborn kidney stone...