Keith McCurdy
KEITH McCURDY: No Time for Chores?
I hear this complaint from parents on a regular basis….”Johnny just doesn’t have any time for chores.” Not only is this a testament to just how busy we have...
Parenting 911….HELP!
“It’s an unfortunate time of year” quoted a parent recently, commenting on the first nine...
Teen Curfew Leads to Detachment
Summer is here and hundreds of new teenage drivers are hitting the streets with new...
Grumbling is an Opportunity for Growth
A common question asked by many parents is “How can I get my child to...
Social Media….Not!
I just spent the weekend with a bunch of Boy Scouts and leaders in the...
Ray Rice and Kindergarten
So what is our response to the whole Ray Rice “situation”? I heard this question today and had to laugh at the irony. Here...
Be at Peace
I was recently asked to speak during pre-planning at my children’s school on a passage from the book of Philippians, chapter 4 verses 8...
“Emotions are Not to be Trusted!”
“Pursue your passion,” “Do what feels right,” “Go with what makes you happy,” and many other similar statements seem to permeate our current culture. ...
Is my Child the Exception?
Is your child the exception to the rule? They better be because at some point the myth that continues to be pushed on us...
Faux Praise and Low Expectations
Have you ever wondered if whether or not we praise our children for what really matters? Are our efforts and monies spent on the...
Childhood Is Not A Disease
It seems that with every new year, a new set of “issues” or “disorders” get applied to children. With the introduction of the most...