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2013: A Jubilee Year perhaps?

In some circles, the year 2000 was proclaimed a “Jubilee” Year.   Before that year and in it, there was talk of Leviticus 25 and a re-trumpeting of the five great calls of this special time for people of the Book.

I recently found some follow up questions relating to these five calls that I offer here for our reflection as we begin the year 2013. They have been help to me in my own thinking of how I want to live this new year and make it a year different from my many (!) others .  After all, why should these wonderful disciplines be practiced only in a Jubilee year and not in every year?

The five great calls (ie, invitations or commands) are as follows:

To let the land lie fallow.  Periodically, we need to let things be and not overwork or exhaust them – starting with ourselves.   Can I be quiet and still?  Can I let God provide and be in control?   How comfortable am I with silence and in being quiet?  Can I be still even in the presence of others?   Am I a peace-full presence for my family, co-workers, and neighbors?

To set captives free.   Who are the bound crying out for my/our help?   How am I bound ?   What needs to happen for me to be the free person God created me to be…to be a person for others?   Who do I need to “let off” the hook”?

To forgive debtors and let forgiveness in.   Who do I need to forgive and/or ask forgiveness of?    Is there a debt I can write off?

To find out what belongs to others and give it back.  Is there something in my possession that needs to be returned to its rightful owner?   Do I see myself as belonging first to God (and thus doing God’s will and work?)    Do I express sufficient gratitude to the people who “do” for me?

To feast with each other and with God.   To feast well includes giving thanks for the bonds which God has forged between us and with all creation too.   Am I truly celebrating what God is doing in the world and in my personal, family and communal life?   And I furthering God’s plan for the world by sharing God with others?   Who is not at the table and feasting with us but should be?   How might we “get” them there and be, with us, God’s  Jubilee people?

Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Lehman is the Pastor at Our Lady of Nazareth Catholic Church. Visit them online at

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