OPINION: Political Infighting Over VMI’s Board of Visitors Puts Cadets at Risk
The Virginia Military Institute (VMI) has long stood as a symbol of discipline, leadership, and service. However, recent political disputes over Board of Visitors (BOV) appointments have placed cadets...
Ending birthright citizenship is constitutional
Just hours after taking the oath of office, President Trump issued an executive order to...
Blame distrust of the response to COVID for declining childhood vaccinations
Only 40% of Americans now consider childhood vaccines "extremely important," down from 64% in 2001....
Virginia Needs To Protect The Natural Gas Choice in Law
Virginia’s General Assembly is being asked again to protect the use of natural gas and...
What Have Leftist Lawfarers Learned?
On January 10, 2025 – ten days before President-elect Trump is to be inaugurated as...
Poll Shows Near Unanimous Support for Greater School Accountability
While Democrats in the Virginia General Assembly appear unanimous in their opposition to the Governor’s new School Performance and Support Framework, there is near...
Can Teen Athletes Stay A Step Ahead of Torn ACLs?
I can always tell when school sports are back in full swing by the steady stream of athletes who limp into my office with...
Outside Study Confirms Natural Gas Needed to Run Data Centers
Yet another analysis of the energy dilemma facing Virginia, this one commissioned by a Democrat-controlled legislative panel, has concluded that the use of natural...
96 Years Young, Holocaust Survivor Ben Lesser Is Living A Life That Matters
Ben Lesser is an author, public speaker and a 96-year-old Holocaust survivor. He has dedicated his days and nights to encouraging universal remembrance for...
Virginia Needs New Electoral Voting System
If you take out much of Northern Virginia, Richmond area, and Tidewater area, Presidential candidate Kamala Harris only received 40% of Virginia's vote total...
Did School Battles Hurt Dems in Liberal, Northern VA Strongholds?
By James BaconDid local school-board issues in Loudoun County depress boost turnout for Republicans and discourage Democratic Party turnout in the 2024 presidential election?...