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It Is Time to Realize The Essential Work of Correction Officers

 As the Senate adjourned the regular session with the state budget unfinished, it has sent a disappointing message to many Virginians, including law enforcements. The slow process and work delaying of the Senate shows the bureaucratic system which affects those who are struggling on a daily basis and making changes in people’s lives. As Governor Youngkin is ready to fulfill his promises by supporting law enforcements, including correction officers, the latter are waiting for the senate to finish the budget plan containing the pay increase.
It is unfortunate that most of the politicians and elected officials conduct a manipulation strategy in order to continue their political career. The correction officers have always been unrecognized as law enforcements and their sacrifices were unnoticeable until Governor Glenn Youngkin’s announcement to support the pay increase for those officers.
It is noteworthy that lame duck, former Governor Ralph Northam proposed a large pay increase for correction officers in the outgoing budget for 2022. The irony is that Northam governed Virginia for 4 years, but he did not have a pay increase proposal for correction officers. As he was exiting the office, Northam, very wisely, left a proposal on the table for the legislatures, Senates, and Governor Youngkin to approve.
But this proposal would be difficult to be passed for its large amount, which is approximately 25%, and also, because of other proposals that the lawmakers want to pass, and hence, the amount of the officers’ pay increase will be sacrificed. However, Northam’s proposal was to create an opposition of officers against the lawmakers as he exited, and establish a ground for his future political office.
It is time to realize the essential work of correction officers and the load of the stress they carry. Beyond security, the correction officers are assuming the role of mental health counselor and most of the regional jails are conducting mental health evaluation and care for those individuals, therefore, the duty of the officers is the combination of security and mental health workers.
Correction officers’ role in the community is critical as, not only assuring the security of the society by keeping the incarcerated individuals and those who are harmful from the public, but also assuring the security and safety of incarcerated weak individuals from being harmed by the aggressive.
It is expected to see the lawmakers in Virginia slash out any proposal for law enforcements’ pay increase , in general. After all, it is a political game.
Serwan Zangana – Roanoke

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