Dear Editor,
Inflation in the American way of life is worse than price inflation.
Giving back by corporations, celebrities, and ordinary folks is loudly and publicly proclaimed, but is done out of economic self-interest and is actually contracting.
There is an appearance of progress in human services and in democracy. Bright sassy TV commercials tout health, happiness and solidarity in families, when the opposite is true. Our leaders speak incessantly and boastfully of “our democracy” while they spend trillions with little to no accountability and usurp powers that are not their own.
Our primary and secondary schools supervise their well clothed residents all day long and crank out lots of grads. However, sliding test scores and grade inflation make a mockery of progress.
There is incredible inflation in gender beauty and strength. Billions are spent to enhance and decorate the skin, hair, and eyes, and to exaggerate the humanity and sophistication of leaders in society. Their lack of internal beauty and strength is exposed when makeup is soiled by tears and private behavior hits the police blotter section of the newspaper.
Kimball Shinkoskey