In regard to Mark Powell’s commentary, “A New Year, a New Democratic Party?” I fearfully use the same words I shouted out at a city council meeting over Victory Stadium that lead to my being dragged out by the police and charged with disorderly conduct, which was nothing more than the good Rev. Nelson Harris’s political retaliation against my outspoken activism. What Mr. Powell has written, I again would shout out and say, “No greater truth has ever been spoken”
It takes guts and courage in a small city like Roanoke to stand up and call a spade a spade when you criticize your commonwealth attorney. God forbid either Mark Powell or myself would have to be in court for anything, even a traffic ticket, there would not be a snow balls chance in hell of getting a fair hearing.
I can personally vouch for the accuracy of Mr. Powell’s words, for I was at the, so called, democratic meeting where Roberts Rules of order were non existent and all voting was a mockery of the supposed to be democratic process. From then Chairman Tony Reed, to former and present council persons, Del. Ozlee Ware, to the ultimate hand of law, our Commonwealth Attorney, sat back and went along with voting that had not even established a quorum. This would render everything they did null and void in any civilized democratic meeting, but not in Roanoke where fear and intimidation rules to squash the little guy that could pose a threat to the established rule of governing by our Commonwealth Attorney.
Roanoke and the, so called, democratic process has regressed to the bad ol’ days where our infamous Sheriff George McMillian ruled with a heavy hand.
-E. Duane Howard
You know Duane, all things considered at this point and given your apparent long term connection to the democrats, MAYBE you should consider that they are not the party you should be aligned with…so why not take the next logical step and become a REPUBLICAN!