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Roanoke Seaman Stays Busy on Way to Mediterranean

Navy Seaman Sean Keoughan.

Navy Seaman Sean Keoughan, a native of Roanoke, is currently deployed aboard the Amphibious Landing Assault Ship USS Nassau (LHA 4) enroute to the Central Command Area of Operations in support of ongoing operations in Afghanistan.

Nassau is deployed as part of the Nassau Amphibious Ready Group/24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (NAS ARG/24MEU) and was a vital component supporting Operation Unified Response, the humanitarian aid/disaster relief mission in Haiti.

Seaman Keoughan is an Aviation Electronics Technician, responsible for testing, maintaining and repairing aircraft electronic devices. His mother Sandy and wife Caitlin currently reside in Roanoke.

The Nassau Amphibious Ready Group departed their Norfolk  home port Jan. 18 for a regularly scheduled seven-month deployment. Soon after their departure, the group was directed to Haiti to support Operation Unified Response from Jan. 23 – Feb. 7. While there, more than 57,000 meals, 1,300,000 lbs. of rice, 31,000 bottles of water, 3,200 lbs. of medical supplies and 79,000 jars of baby food were delivered to the people of Haiti. Additionally, 16 patients were treated on NAS ARG ships.

NAS ARG then began its transit across the Atlantic Ocean to resume its deployment and is currently on its way to conduct operations in the 5th Fleet area of responsibility. This area encompasses the Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden, Red Sea and coast of east Africa as far south as Kenya.

Their mission is to work with regional, joint and other partners to enhance the overall security and stability of the area’s maritime capabilities. Their forces complement the counterterrorism activities with partner Navy and Coast Guard personnel through exercises, training and coordinated operations.

The force is also ready to respond to the full range of crises, including environmental and humanitarian as well as preventing piracy, reducing illegal trafficking of people and drugs and promote the maritime environment as a safe place for legitimate business.

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