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Commentary – Dog’s Death Should Be a Crime

I have written to our Mayor and Council about the inhumane lives dog are subject to here in Southeast.  Large dogs caged, or confined to not enough yard space and worse being tied up on chains and ropes. As expected not one expressed any concern or interest.

Dogs, just like humans just want food, love and attention.  It pains me to see man’s best friend tied to a rope or chain.

If we as humane beings have complete and total control of the life of these wonderful creatures who are forced to live under mans control, then we as humane beings have a moral responsible to see they are not tethered for the rest of their life.

I implore everyone to think for a moment how it would be for you to have a chain around your neck the better part of your life.  My heart aches tonight from hearing of a dog in the neighborhood who hung himself from his chain.   What a slow, suffering death he must have gone through.

Like all caged or chained creatures this poor dog probably longed to run free.  He jumped  the nearby fence in his back yard and there was not enough length for him to hit the ground and so he hung there and died before anyone saw him.

To my knowledge the police or animal control was not called, which shows we have no idea how many of these tragic deaths occur over time.

These needless deaths can be laid directly at the feet of state and local authorities who refuse to enact laws against chaining a dog.

Even more tragic is  their moral responsibility to protect mans best friend and they refuse to act.The odds are slim to almost none that any person in position of power to initiate a law lives next door or in a neighborhood where this practice is very common. All city council needs to do is look to Danville and see the codes they enacted over a year ago in protecting dogs from being teathered.

I implore you, that if you have a dog and love it as much as I do mine and want to save any dog from having to endure a life of being chained and possibly hanging itself, then you should contact your local leaders and ask that they take action to prevent this from happening again in the future

– E. Duane Howard, Roanoke

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  1. A good and just cause Mr. Howard.
    Also interesting that our dogs and cats practice every day what we are all supposed to do: unconditional love. For the most part they do it much better than we are even capable of.

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