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Wanted: Musicians!

Musicians are needed to perform on every corner along the Drumstick Dash Route on Thanksgiving morning at 9 a.m.

One of the things that make the Rescue Mission’s Drumstick Dash unique is the variety of musicians who are stationed on every corner along the Dash Race Route.  The Rescue Mission is accepting nominations for talented individuals and groups to perform Thanksgiving Morning.

 “As the event grows each year, we need more musicians along the route,” said Tiffany Rawling, Rescue Mission EVE Network volunteer who coordinates the music.  “This is a great opportunity for churches, families, schools and other groups to showcase their talent.”

When asked what kind of music was needed, Rawling replied, “Gospel, bluegrass, jazz, country western, pop, opera, show tunes,  hip hop, rock, barbershop, ballads, soul, calypso, Celtic, classical, blues, folk – really anything that is family rated is fine with us.”

In the past five Dashes, the Mission has had a great variety of music performed by bagpipers, Suzuki violin players, banjo pickers and flute and trombone players.  Some of the musicians are professionals and some are performing for the very first time before a live audience.  This year they are hoping to add steel drums and a bell choir to the mix as well as singers of all types.  All musicians are welcome!

So if you “feel the music,” sign up today to perform Thanksgiving morning.  The Dash Team will assign you a corner and provide a sign for your group.

Contact: Tiffany Rawling, Musician Coordinator for the Dash at [email protected]. or call the Mission at (540) 343-7227.

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