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Roanoke Youth Earns Congressional Award

Elizabeth Higgs with Congressman Bob Goodlatte.

Congressman Bob Goodlatte made the following statement after presenting Elizabeth Higgs of Roanoke with the Congressional Award at the 2012 Gold Medal Ceremony in the U.S. Capitol last week: “The Congressional Award is presented to youth who have taken up the challenge of bettering themselves and their communities. Elizabeth has not only achieved her personal goals, but made a lasting contribution to the Roanoke community through volunteerism.  Congratulations to Elizabeth on this remarkable achievement. I encourage other youth in the Sixth District to take up this challenge as well.”

Elizabeth, the daughter of Diane and Steven Higgs of Roanoke, is a 2012 graduate of Patrick Henry High School and plans to attend the University of Virginia in the fall.

To earn the Congressional Award, Elizabeth was required to achieve several goals including completing over 535 hours of Voluntary Public Service as a camp counselor, collecting food for the Presbyterian Community Center, constructing a therapeutic garden at the VA Hospital, and participating in a service trip to Chavies, Kentucky.

To complete her Personal Development goals, she attended dance classes and developed the skills to take, develop, and print black and white photographs.  In the Physical Fitness category, she played volleyball, achieved First Team All-District, and earned the Coach’s Award.  For her Expedition she planned a trip to New York City to explore the culture.  Elizabeth’s sponsoring organization for the Congressional Award was the Girl Scouts of the USA.

The Congressional Award is non-partisan, voluntary, and non-competitive. The program is open to all 14- to 23-year-olds. Participants must achieve set goals in four program areas; Volunteer Public Service, Personal Development, Physical Fitness, and Expedition/Exploration.  Congress established the Congressional Award in 1979 to recognize initiative, achievement, and service in young people.

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