Dear Developer:
As a tax paying resident of the Huff Lane area of Roanoke, Virginia, that is directly affected by the proposed hotel project that you are involved in as the developer, I write to implore you to terminate any further action that would be detrimental to our beloved neighborhood.
On Thursday, December 20th at 1:30 PM the Roanoke City Planning Commission unanimously voted against a CLS (commercial large site) rezoning of the Huff Lane property where there is presently a school and park. Both have been the pride of the neighborhood and a natural buffer from the commercial entities (Valley View Mall) on the parks back/west side. Fortunately for the local residents, the planning commission got it and understood that this project was not appropriate for this specific area and would have a negative overall effect.
The planning commission based its decision, in large part, to two (2) city documents: the citys Comprehensive Plan and the Williamson Road Area Plan. In this case, adherence to law and order was maintained.
I would like to believe that your organization has grown over the years playing by the rules and doing that which makes for a WIN-WIN end result. There are many other CLS zoned areas that presently exist in our city of Roanoke that a hotel project like yours would be most welcomed, but placing it in our immediate back yard is inappropriate and unacceptable. The CLS request, and the idea of anything of this magnitude (two TALL hotels and a drinking establishment), should have NEVER been brought to the table. It is not conducive to a positive, vibrant community, nor is it consistent with either of the aforementioned legal documents.
No doubt, unless you walk away from this offer, some Roanoke city officials will continue to do all that they can to force through this sale by all means possible. (Right or wrong – good or bad -liked or not liked.) This type of hollowed victory would not be welcomed by most fellow business owners that I know of – including me.
To help avoid this, and the undue pressure that presently exists in our neighborhood, I once again ask you to terminate any further action on this project.
I am at your service if you should have any questions or comments.
Raymond F. McKee