The United Way of Roanoke Valley (UWRV) Board of Directors has approved community investments of $3.1 million for fiscal year 2013-2014. These investments will improve lives and advance the common good in the vital areas of education, income and health.

Grants were awarded to 55 nonprofit programs that serve residents throughout the Roanoke Valley. Of these funds, 30% was invested in programs that impact education, 30% was invested in programs that impact income and 27% was invested in programs that impact health. (13% other.)
The goal of the United Way’s “Community Investment Process” is to wisely invest donor’s contributions in strategies that deliver results in these three primary areas. By focusing on these priorities and investing funds in programs that align with them, UWRV and its Impact Partners hope to solve root issues that affect the building blocks of a good life.
The organization says they are working to ensure that children enter kindergarten ready to succeed in school and later on in life, and that individuals and families are financially stable, and that all citizens of the Roanoke Valley lead healthier lives.
More than 50 individuals representing 40 local area companies volunteered a total of 400 hours to the Community Investment Process. The volunteers reviewed program funding applications, conducted site visits and collectively made critical decisions on how to invest Impact Fund dollars in programs and initiatives that make a measurable impact in Education, Income and Health in the Roanoke Valley.
“We continue to improve the Community Investment Process each year,” says Mike Dittrich, Chair of the UWRV Community Impact Council and a community volunteer. “It was a rigorous application process and those that were awarded funding proved they had solid governance, effective leadership, and the ability to measure the impact of their work.”
This year marked the first open process for programs in the Income impact area of United Way of Roanoke Valley’s Community Investment Process. UWRV has adopted this open process to expand its reach to worthy programs in the community and create a competitive process that focuses on results oriented outcomes within each program. Each program was evaluated on alignment, program need, collaborations, outcome measurements, and financials and budget.
“I continue to be impressed by the thoughtfulness and attention to detail the volunteers show as they determine how to wisely invest the dollars that are contributed by donors to the United Way Impact Fund,” said Frank Rogan, President and CEO of UWRV. “This process of having community volunteers review each program works to ensure that contributions are allocated to agencies who demonstrate need, stewardship and results.”
Aside from investing in diverse programs that are making significant and positive impacts in the community, UWRV is putting resources towards coalition work, focused collaborations, advocacy and volunteerism to make the community a better place to live.
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