Reps. Bob Goodlatte (VA-06) and Morgan Griffith (VA-09) are welcoming Google’s Self-Driving Car to Virginia Tech’s campus and Southwest Virginia. Rep. Goodlatte has championed this partnership between Google’s team and VTTI. The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) has been working in conjunction with Google and other partners to conduct research regarding automated vehicles on the Virginia Smart Road.
“I have had the opportunity to ride in Google’s Self-Driving Car and it is a great honor to welcome the team to Southwest Virginia,” said Rep. Goodlatte.
Rep. Griffith said, “Virginia Tech has long been a leader in technology and the work being done in our region is helping to drive innovation across the nation.”
“We are both looking forward to checking out the research they are conducting at the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute firsthand next week,” said Reps. Goodlatte and Griffith.