Shangri-La is a fictional valley as described in a novel by British author James Hilton. The year was 1933 and the book was entitled ‘Lost Horizon.’ Various writers and speakers have used this moniker of ‘Shangri-La’ to describe some fictional or virtual place where peace, joy and friendship reign supreme.
Let’s agree that there is no such actual location on earth. While we would all love to live in ‘Shangri-La’, it will never happen. The reason is that among all humans, there are some whose thoughts are selfish, greedy, evil and lethal.
The Harvey Weinstein scandal is unfolding and will continue to reveal contemptible information for a long time. If anyone is in shock, consider that scandals are racking this country and all other nations. Scandals that pop up frequently are not all anomalies; scandal and corruption have been going on for centuries and, like wars will continue until the end of time.
What has been going on with Harvey Weinstein has been going on for years and it is certain that it took more than a few people to keep the scandal from becoming public information. Perhaps those who helped conceal these alleged transgressions were willing to yield to Weinstein’s demands to achieve their goals of employment and fame and prosperity. Although the current offenses are mostly sexual, his connections the Clinton family are mostly financial considering that Weinstein bundled more than $1.4 million for Hillary’s recent presidential campaign and is reported to have given $100,000 to $250,000 to the family’s foundation.
William Jefferson Clinton, a former president of this great nation has crawled through his tunnel of sexual predation and has emerged as a leading liberal orator and speaks authoritatively about liberal causes. Clinton is the founder of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation that probably is a front for quid pro quo access for government favors by foreign and other liberal contributors.
Since 2014, comedian and actor Bill Cosby has been shuffling to attorney’s offices and courtrooms as a result of claims by as many as sixty women that he assaulted or in some manner violated their professional relationship. Starting in the early 1960’s, Cosby kept us laughing and watching his antics on TV and in the movies. How is it possible that it took 54 years for an alleged sexual predator to face the charges of all these women?
Remember this; Harvey Weinstein, Bill Clinton and Bill Cosby are just the shells of the rotten eggs and the slime of many people in high places of commerce, politics and the entertainment industry. Big money and big power breeds big corruption, big immorality and big cover-ups.
This volcanic uproar over Weinstein’s behavior over many past years will not change anything among the luminaries of the entertainment industry where politics, money, sex, power and publicity is a cosmetic front for a cesspool of immorality but promoted as authenticity and wisdom. The current Weinstein scandal is a microcosm of a much larger culture of corruption among the athletic stars in sports, entertainment and the elites in politics and business.
Currently, a serious breach of security, equipment theft, fraud and other charges are being leveled at Debbie Wasserman Schultz, (D-FL) and several of her employees. Imran Awan and spouse Hina Alvi and others are suspected of thousands of unauthorized contacts on the Congressional IT network and of finagling of the Congressional Federal Credit Union to receive $165,000 and forward almost $300,000 to Afghanistan.
The hallmark of these phony individuals and groups is their vociferous words of wisdom that are intended to cover their acts of attrition, their promises that terminate in excuses and political influence shrouded as charity. The burden of morality is borne by those who work hard, raise families, own homes, pay taxes and contribute to the culture of freedom, faith in government, educational and religious institutions.
It is the monetary contributions of this group that keeps patriotism alive and well but unwittingly also supports the bad habits of those who conspire to limit the power and influence of those of us who pay the bills.
Corruption is an equal opportunity pursuit without regard to politics, race, religion, gender or economic standing. This is reality; Shangri-La is a dream.
Dick Baynton