Christine Blasey Ford, PhD, a California professor claims that Supreme Court Justice Candidate Kavanaugh attacked her sexually about 36 years ago at a party in Maryland. Commenting recently Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said he believes her – meaning that he does not believe Brett Kavanaugh.
Here’s a little history of Chuck Schumer; he graduated from Harvard in 1971 and Harvard Law School in 1974. Upon graduation, he went to work for NY State government and then became a career federal politician. Someone from his alma mater should contact him with a reminder that an accused person is innocent until proven guilty.
Some of the requirements set by Ford’s attorney Debra Katz were that Kavanaugh would have to ‘go’ first during Senate hearings on Thursday, September 27th. This is ridiculous because the accused has to hear the accuser’s claims before the claims can be rebutted.
Committee Chair Grassley offered to send questioners to California to meet with Dr. Ford to retain privacy. Another condition was that she needed more time because she (Dr. Ford) was unable or unwilling to fly. It turns out during questioning that Dr. Ford had never been advised of the willingness of the Congressional Committee to travel to California for questioning. It also became obvious that she was a frequent flyer.
This raises the question of who the attorneys were working for; Dr. Ford or Democrats. Here’s a bit of logic; at the September 27th hearing when Dr. Ford’s three attorneys were at her side (Debra Katz, Lisa Banks & Michael Bromwich), Bromwich said that the attorneys had paid for Dr. Ford’s polygraph and were working for her ‘pro bono.’ Realistically, attorneys don’t work for nothing; is it possible that although they were paying for the polygraph and were working for Dr. Ford on a ‘pro bono’ basis that someone like the DNC was paying the attorneys that Feinstein and others had recommended? It is highly probable.
The liberal, progressive philosophy of personal destruction has been underway for years and has resurfaced since Mr. Kavanaugh’s name was submitted to replace Supreme Court Justice Kennedy. Democrats are not concerned with policy issues or personal veracity; they are bent on destroying all aspects of the candidate’s life and career; it is the vicious ‘resist’ progressive movement at work like machetes in a sugarcane harvest.
The theory and practice of liberal progressive policy is that they are always in power; their active ‘resist’ movement is their brand and their punishment for conservatives winning the recent presidential election. They have spent every day since inauguration in 2017 on a multi-million dollar investigation of a criminal Trump relationship with Russia. In preparation for the election of their candidate, Director Comey announced on July 5th, 2016 that the FBI was recommending that no felony charges against Hillary Clinton be filed even though she hadn’t been interviewed.
I’m not sure that any proposed candidate for high government office has undergone an investigation of their high school yearbook after 36 years. There is a good chance that if we determined any person’s fitness for office 36 years after high school graduation, many of us would be embarrassed – even including former presidents.
Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, Leslie Milwee and Kathleen Willey were not believed while Bill and Hillary made wicked remarks toward these women until DNA from a dress told the undeniable truth. Today Mr. Clinton is the epitome of the hypocritical liberalism. Recently a lady named Karen Monahan claimed that Representative and Deputy DNC Chairperson Keith Ellison tried to drag her off a bed while calling her a bitch and saying “I hate you bitch.” Cory Booker, Senator (D-NJ) admitted that he groped a female classmate in high school; where are the investigations?
Liberals have the media, college faculties who teach ultra-liberal politics, key political leaders including our former president, Directors of the CIA, the NIS, the FBI and underlings of these powerful leaders on their side. These officials are supposed to be apolitical but in their subversive responsibility of assuring the election of their candidate they exercise sinister power to tip our system of power of the people to the power of elite insiders.
We must vote to thwart efforts to return power to those who abuse it. VOTE!