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Department of Forestry Offers Ash Treatment Cost-Share Program

The Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) is offering a cost-share program to support the treatment of ash trees. The emerald ash borer (EAB), one of the most destructive forest pests to ever invade North America, attacks ash trees and has already caused millions of dollars in damages as hundreds of millions of ash trees have perished.

All ash species native to North America are susceptible and likely to die within one to five years of being infested with EAB. Ash trees are commonly found in yards and lining county roads. If not treated or removed, ash trees often fall and unexpectedly drop limbs, posing a significant risk to public safety.  Landowners with ash trees on their property should consider treatment or removal performed by a qualified arborist. If you are not sure if your tree is an ash, see VDOF’s online resources or contact your local VDOF forester for assistance.

EAB has consistently spread throughout much of the Commonwealth since being rediscovered in Fairfax in 2008. All the counties in VDOF’s Central and Western Regions of Virginia confirmed the presence of EAB by 2019. The Eastern Region has not seen as many infestations yet (with some counties having no confirmed reports) but it may be only a matter of time, making it imperative to treat ash trees now.

This spring, VDOF is offering a 50% cost-share program for landowners and organizations to offset the treatment of specimen ash trees via trunk injection. Organizations throughout the state are eligible to apply, however, only landowners located in the VDOF Eastern Region will be eligible for cost-share assistance. Limiting assistance for landowners to the Eastern Region will help VDOF focus efforts and funding on preserving the healthiest ash populations remaining throughout the state.

Eligible landowners and organizations with healthy ash trees that are 12 inches in diameter or larger, with 30% or less crown defoliation, are encouraged to apply. Interested applicants should assess the health of their ash trees as soon as possible and begin discussing the viability of treatment with their certified Pesticide Applicator of choice.

Applications are being accepted starting April 20 until June 17, 2022. A completed application must be submitted by this date to be considered for cost-share assistance (late applications will not be approved). Please note: Due to funding limits, not all applications can be approved.

You can find the application and more information on the VDOF website: Emerald Ash Borer Treatment Program.

Please contact the VDOF Forest Health Program at (434) 220-9034 or [email protected]  with any questions.

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