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SERWAN ZANGANA: We Are Not Called to Tolerate Sin

Two weeks ago, at an event for my son and his football team members, I met one of the boys’ grandmothers. At the beginning, we started our friendly conversation about school, life, each other’s backgrounds, and my beloved State of Virginia. This nice lady was from one of the Southern States and was visiting her daughter in Roanoke. After a few minutes of our conversation it was clear that liberalism has reached and brainwashed some of the older folks as well.

As we were conversing about schools and education, I expressed my concern regarding some types of indoctrination and liberal teaching in Virginia’s public schools and inappropriate books and materials that were offered to students. Abruptly, she began to deny my concern and defended the Virginia public school system; she claimed that there is no such teaching in schools.

We remember that in September 2021, a mother in Fairfax County at a school board meeting pointed out two books that contained inappropriate subjects and pictures. Loudoun County had to ban a book after complaints from parents that contained inappropriate subjects as well. The attempt to disseminate such books and materials in schools is undeniable. The liberals are using education as a tool to infiltrate children’s minds in public schools.

However, I had to decide between two routes: remain quiet and listen to her defend a claim which was ideologically decorated, or speak up and oppose her ideological beliefs. It was unfortunate to be involved in an intense conversation that created an unpleasant environment for both of us, but my decision to speak up was obviously necessary.

Unfortunately, the public schools are not operated by an innocent system in Virginia, and the children are the main targets. It is a crucial situation for conservative parents as liberals are opposing the interventions of parents in schools, which creates anger and concern among many families. However, by signing Senate Bill 656 into law, which gives parents more authority over sexually explicit materials in schools, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin deserves credit for aligning with parents.

But the threat does not end at passing Senate Bill 656 – it stretches beyond the law as it reaches into people’s religious beliefs and attempts to change the teaching of their principles. Comprehending the basics of Christianity takes a will and an effort to read the Bible and listen to credible scholars. Sadly, this grandmother appeared to be a stranger to some of the Bible verses. Tolerating a person does not justify tolerating his or her sin and wrongdoing, and the quote that appears on some houses’ yard signs “Love is Love” is just a delusion.

What if I “Love” to take advantage of others? Drink excessively and drive? Tell lies about others I don’t agree with? Or cheat the elderly out of their hard-earned money?

Its easy to see the truth of Corinthians 6:9-11 “nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.”

– Serwan Zangana supported Operation Iraqi Freedom as a U.S Army translator before coming to the U.S from Kurdistan, Iraq in 1997 to seek political asylum. He was granted asylum status and years later proudly became a U.S citizen. He currently serves as a correction officer in Roanoke.

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