Among a group of citizens from the City of Salem and Roanoke, Representative Ben Cline, 6th congressional district, on the 16th of this month hosted a town hall meeting at Lydia’s Italian Kitchen in Salem.
In a cordial environment Congressman Cline explained and clarified some of the new Congress’ works. He pointed out the problems that face American people today under the current administration. He spoke about the economy and the spending that Biden Administration has approved.
Concern was observed on the constituents’ faces in the room as they asked questions about several matters and issues. Questions about the current administration’s failure, Hunter Biden’s investigation, illegal immigrants and border control, drugs, social security, and federal spending waste were asked. Aside from political rhetoric, Congressman Cline answered the questions and explained his position fully on each matter clearly.
Congressman Cline told the constituents in concise language that the Freedom Caucus members would diminish some federal agencies but that social security and Medicare will not be affected – most specifically that there would be no change in current recipients.
Congressman Cline clarified his position on leading immigration issues and it is clear that he is in support of immigrants entering the U.S legally. Obviously, a broken system of border security not only allows illegal immigrants to enter the U.S, but also allows human trafficking as well as cartels and smugglers to enter.
Congressman Cline expressed his support to reform and eliminate admission of asylum seekers who are not under a direct threat in their origin countries. His position regarding such a matter is very important. To have a strict system that vets the asylum seekers to identify their legitimacy will increase security and reduce the burden of immigration on the United States.
Congressman Cline stuck to common sense principles while he explained and answered the constituents questions and logically addressed the importance of training Americans and prioritizing them to work. He also expressed his support to people who come from abroad and are wiling to work.
“We have to restore, as a society, the dignity of work,” he said. This is an example of a representative who has been been embraced by his constituents as he continuous to work diligently for them.
– Serwan Zangana supported Operation Iraqi Freedom as a U.S Army translator before coming to the U.S from Kurdistan, Iraq in 1997 to seek political asylum. He was granted asylum status and years later proudly became a U.S citizen. He currently serves as a correction officer in Roanoke.