County Schools to also restrict student access to social media on RCPS issued laptops
Earlier this week, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin announced Executive Order 33, which directs school divisions to create policies concerning the use of mobile devices (phones, watches, tablets, earphones, etc.) during school hours, with the aim to create mobile device-free education in Virginia.
Currently, Roanoke County Public School policy states that elementary and middle school students may possess a mobile device provided the device is off, or on airplane mode, and put away out of sight during the entire school day.
At the high school level, students may have a mobile device in the classroom provided it is off or on airplane mode and put away out of sight during instructional time. Students may use mobile devices in the classroom only if permitted by a teacher. Students may use mobile devices while in the hallways and during lunch.
Before the school day begins and after the school day ends, all students (elementary, middle and high) are allowed to use mobile devices. Should a personal emergency situation arise, students are allowed to use mobile devices.
In Executive Order 33, Governor Youngkin noted statistics from the Centers for Disease Control about the significant physical and mental health concerns for children who extensively use social media, particularly on mobile devices, and the linkage between heavy social media usage and suicide rates. Research conducted by the Thomas Fordham Institute noted that mobile devices and social media are contributing to increased depression and anxiety in students, resulting in lower academic performance.
Following the governor’s executive order, the Roanoke County School Board is considering some potential changes to the current mobile device policy. The school board is looking at three options:
- No changes – keep the current policy as is.
- Removing the option for mobile device usage in the classroom (no longer allowing teacher discretion)
- Mirroring the elementary and middle school policy – high school students would not be allowed to use mobile devices during the entire school day.
The school division has released a survey and is asking all Roanoke County Public School parents, students and staff to share their thoughts on these options by July 28.
“This is a serious matter that affects the safety and wellbeing of our students as well as their ability to succeed in the classroom,” said Dr. Ken Nicely, Superintendent of Roanoke County Public Schools. “There are many strong opinions on this topic, and we need to hear what parents, students and staff think about what steps we should take moving forward. We encourage our parents, students and staff to share their thoughts on this survey,” Dr. Nicely said.
In an effort to further curtail the negative impacts of social media on students, the school district will prohibit all RCPS-issued laptops from accessing social media sites at any time (at school or home).
“As a recent CDC study showed, constant social media use has been clearly linked to increased suicide rates nationally among students. We are going to take whatever measures we can to protect our students and help them become Opportunity Ready,” said Dr. Nicely.