According to, “coup” has three meanings. One: “a highly successful, unexpected stroke, act, or move; a clever action or accomplishment.” Another: coup d’état, “a sudden and decisive action in politics, especially one resulting in a change of government illegally or by force.” Synonyms include: uprising, revolution, rebellion, overthrow.
(Coup comes from French and has a silent p. Pronouncing the p gives you coop, where the chickens live.) Note how, to describe in English the sudden and illegal overthrow of a government, we have to use a French word, or else the German putsch. This shows how the English-speaking world since the Magna Carta of 1215 has valued the rule of law, because there is no native English word for a coup.
We Americans now find ourselves in this unprecedented and bizarre situation. Based on the events of the past few weeks, it appears the Democrat elites have pulled off a coup and insurrection against Joseph Biden and his voters.
For background, it seems we’ve been in a slow-moving coup for many years now.
For example, the Democrat 2016 primaries were rigged. The Democrat National Committee (DNC) put their thumb on the scale to help Hillary beat Bernie Sanders. The 2020 primaries were highly suspect too. Biden did poorly in the first two contests, in Iowa and New Hampshire. In the Granite State, for example, Biden came in a miserable fifth, with 8% of the vote, while Kamala came in a pitiful fourteenth place, with 0%, while write-ins came in ninth place, with 2%!
However, after Rep. James Clyburn endorsed Biden and he won in South Carolina, presto, almost all the other candidates dropped out, greasing the skids for Biden.
And this year, the Dems kept RFK from participating in any Democrat primaries and it was rigged for Biden to sail to get his party’s nomination.
So, it seems the last time the Democrats actually had a real primary season was way back in 2008…16 years ago…when novice Barack Obama seemingly came out of nowhere and snatched the mantle from Hillary.
In retrospect, much from the 2016 election and its aftermath now look like an attempted coup. So much energy was directed against duly-elected Trump to make him and his win look illegitimate: the Russia collusion hoax; the “fine people on both sides” Charlottesville hoax; the “51 intelligence officials” hoax, and the media and FBI burying the Hunter laptop scandal. Add the two bogus impeachments, then the lawfare, and the case involving the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago that Judge Cannon recently ruled unconstitutional.
Since January 6, 2021, Democrats and corporate media (but I repeat myself) have called the Capitol riot “an insurrection” and “an attack on our democracy!” So it’s rich irony THEY just disenfranchised 14-plus million DEMOCRAT voters and installed a (new) puppet.
There were warning flags during the 2020 campaign that Biden was losing his marbles. Remember when he was trying to quote the Declaration of Independence’s famous line “all men are created equal, endowed by their Creator” and the best Biden could do was, “We hold these truths to be self-evident…All men and women created by — you know, you know, the thing.”
Biden hid in his basement and instead of the media doing due diligence, they covered for him.
As evidence of his infirmities mounted during the past year or so, we were told “Biden is sharp at a tack.” With a video on Twitter/X that has been viewed 100 million times, (about one-third the US population), Elon Musk called out the “sharp as a tack” lie and “Now they say Kamala is the best thing ever.”
As recently as June 17, 2024 Karine Jean-Pierre dismissed videos showing Biden’s frailties as “cheap fakes.”
Twitter user @EndWokeness called out the scam: “Last month, we were told that concerning videos of Biden glitching were deepfakes. Today, he dropped out because of them. What a stunning turn of events.”
Then came the June 27 disaster debate, where Biden froze up and made the outrageous and disjointed claim “We finally beat Medicare.”
As if on a dime, the “Biden is sharp as a knife” chorus became “he’s too old and has to go!” Obama and Clinton tweeted support the day after the debate disaster, then both went silent. George Clooney later put out an Op-Ed calling for Biden to quit the race, and the chorus grew stronger, especially as mega-donors said they were cutting off the money until Biden quit. Chuck Schumer claimed, “I’m with Joe”…until he wasn’t. For weeks, Biden kept insisting he was the nominee and having beat Trump once, only he could do it again.
During the 2024 Democrat primaries, Biden took 87% of the Democrat vote total; 14,465,519 voters pulled the lever for him.
Virginia held its primary March 5, and Biden won 317,329 votes, or 88.5%.
Biden kept insisting he was the nominee, as recently as July 5.
Then, things got really weird really quickly.
Trump narrowly survived an assassination attempt July 13. Biden was in Las Vegas and reportedly had a “medical emergency” which got almost no media attention. In an interview with Lester Holt, Biden said he didn’t need a cognitive exam because as president “he takes one every day.” Then Biden claimed he had Covid (even though he used to promise us, “Get the vaccine and you’ll never get Covid.”) Biden disappeared to his Delaware beach house, and as recently as Sunday morning July 21 his campaign spokeswoman was on TV insisting he was staying in the race and his staffers were calling delegates to keep up their enthusiasm.
Then Sunday afternoon, a post comes on Twitter claiming Biden is dropping out followed by one where he endorsed Kamala to get the nomination.
Double irony: the unnamed person posted to Twitter, the free-speech platform that many on the Left disdain!
Many questions surround the bizarre announcement. Why make an announcement of that magnitude on Twitter? The post was not made on official White House stationery, and the apparently-photoshopped signature did not match other Biden signatures.
Then came the bizarre phone call. Harris was at Biden HQ in Delaware where she took a call from allegedly Biden. Why would Biden just make a phone call? Why not at least show the respect to use a zoom call with a screen to thank his supporters, so they (and we) could see him? The throaty voice sounded like that of a chain smoker, and spoke clearly without the fumbles that Biden usually makes.
Adding to the mystery, it sounds like Harris said, “I know you’re still on the reco… call!”
Take a listen and decide for yourself.
It’s claimed Biden returned to the White House, but as many have pointed out, the “Biden figure” appears to be much taller than we remember him. Is it a body double? If so, where is the real Biden? As one Twitter user snarked, “Does dementia make you get taller?”
On July 24, Biden gave a speech from the Oval Office. It too was bizarre. He never gave a specific reason why he was dropping out, especially after weeks of claims he was staying in. Photos indicated a bruise on Biden’s left jaw, but no explanation has ever been given. The speech was aired at 8:00 pm, but someone claimed Biden wore a watch and the time on the watch was different. So, was the speech pre-recorded? Or were numerous “takes” required?
So, the 14 million voters who chose for Biden during the 2024 primaries have been disenfranchised, and the woman who won NO primary votes in 2020 because she dropped out first due to negligible support is now the Democrat nominee. Plus, the DNC has even moved up the convention and made it “virtual” to guarantee her acceptance and cut off any potential questioning or challenges.
Even the leftwing Black Lives Matter (BLM), usually reliable Democrat supporters, have blasted the whole affair. Their statement on Twitter is quoted below in entirety:
“Timeline of Events Sunday
•Joe Biden drops out.
•Kamala Harris announces campaign with Biden endorsement.
•Kamala Harris says she is going to work hard to earn the nomination.
•Kamala Harris makes calls to party delegates.
•Kamala Harris continues making calls to party delegates.
•Kamala Harris makes two public speeches.
•AP announces Kamala Harris has secured enough delegates to be the Democratic Nominee (Monday night).
•Kamala Harris releases this statement, noting she has worked hard to “go out and earn this nomination” as promised (Monday night).
A 24-hour process of talking to party bosses is not democratic, nor is it a process Democrats should be proud of. We do not live in a dictatorship. Delegates are not oligarchs.
Installing Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee and an unknown vice president without any public voting process would make the modern Democratic Party a party of hypocrites. We call on the @DNC to create a process that allows for public participation in the nomination process, not just a nomination by party delegates.”
To put the icing on the cake for this coup, the corporate media in just 30 days have lurched from “Biden is sharp as a knife” (pre-June 27) to “Biden has to go, and he’s selfish not to” (post-June 27) to “Biden is like George Washington, he put his country before himself and voluntarily left office” (post July 21)!
But ultimately, Biden didn’t leave willingly; he was clearly forced out.
The final judge will be the voters in November…if the elections are fair.
As always the Babylon Bee nails it again:
“Party Cheating In Primary Election Promises They Will Definitely Not Cheat In General Election”
–Scott Dreyer