Mobile device usage not permitted during classroom times
The Roanoke County and Roanoke City School Boards have established policies for the use of mobile devices by students. Under the policies, high school students may use mobile devices (cell phones, smart watches, or tablets) before school, after school, in between classes and during lunch.
Pre-K through 8th grade students are not allowed to have cell phones or other electronic devices at any time during school unless they have a medical exception which has to be verified by a note from a medical doctor.
High school students may not use mobile devices during classroom times. Mobile devices must be off and kept out of sight at all times during the entire class period.
As part of this policy, elementary and middle school students may not use mobile devices during the entire school day, which is in keeping with established procedures at elementary and middle schools. Mobile devices must be off and kept out of sight at all times during the school day.