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DEVOTIONAL: No Room For Antisemitism

You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.  John 4:22 (NIV)Contrasting Himself with our adversary satan, Jesus...

ROBERT L. MARONIC: The Hypocritical Toleration Of Antisemitism

The Hitler Youth Among College And University Presidents If the radical leftist students, who have been...

MELINDA MYERS: Ornamental and Edible Gardens and Containers

Boost the flavor and beauty of your landscape by adding a few ornamental edible plants...

RANDY HUFF: What Could Have Been A Casual Complaint and Casual Accusation

We were walking through the terminal, weary from the flight. Without thought, I voiced the...

DEVOTIONAL: Thanks, Mom!

Her children rise up and call her blessed  -- Prov. 31:28a (ESV) We celebrate Mother's Day...

SCOTT DREYER: Presidents’ Day, à la Biden & Putin

Shortly after the Nazi invasion of Poland that tragically gave the English language a new noun--blitzkrieg--Poet W.H. Auden wrote a poem entitled by that...

SCOTT DREYER: Diktatorship In Kanada

I recently read a new book, Checkmate in Berlin: The Cold War Showdown That Shaped The Modern World, by Giles Morton.In a nutshell, to...

SCOTT DREYER: The Beauty of Capitalism

While picking up some Valentine chocolates for my bride of 29 years at the grocery store the other day, I saw a large display...

DEVOTIONAL: Saint Valentines Day

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.               --John 15:13 When we...

MIKE KEELER: Happy Lupercus . . . er, Valentines Day!

Remember the good old days, when we’d get drunk, slaughter wild animals, butcher them into strips, dip the thongs in blood and run through...

MELINDA MYERS: Raised Bed Gardening Provides Easy Access and Increased Productivity

Raise your garden to new heights for easier access and greater productivity. Raised beds allow you to overcome poor soil by creating the ideal...