It is a sensitive subject at this time, but should we be honest with ourselves or keep believing the deceptions of our politicians? On an Instagram post, former Congressman Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) wrote on the 22nd anniversary of the 9-11-2001 terrorist attacks: “R.I.P. to the 2,996 Americans who died on 9/11.” And he also posted, ”and R.I.P. to the 1,455,590 Innocent Muslims who died during the US invasion for something they didn’t do.”
Sadly, innocent people from various ethnicities, races, and religious backgrounds died in the 9/11 attacks in America. Perhaps, many of those victims were opposed to US foreign policy at that time. However, every human with a conscience should be pained as those attacks will always remain as wounds in our human life.
But, what was the intent behind Cawthorn’s post mentioning innocent Muslims who died during the U.S-Afghan war, and was his comment at the right time?
As it turned out back in 2001, the Phoenix FBI field office had sent warnings of possible terrorist attacks to FBI headquarters recommending they investigate flight schools. Despite the credible warnings, the heartbreaking attacks were executed and changed the direction of America.
On every anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Americans should stay silent and sympathize with those who lost their loved ones and grieve for the innocent souls who were victims of both the terrorist acts and the US intelligence failure. The question is: Was Cawthorn wrong in his comments? Of course not. But it was not the right time to post such remarks as many American families were grieving on that day. Supporting the families of the American victims should have been the priority.
However, Cawthorn’s statement that, “The lies we were fed by the elites have defined the entire 21st century. Never trust your government, never,” was affirmed by many. “It is the government that consists of politicians who pass laws and wage wars,” he added.Cawthorn was certainly not mistaken about the untruthfulness of the elites as they have continuously fed people’s brains with propaganda and deceptive statements.
We need to understand that much of the torment people are experiencing today is caused by government’s policies. This understanding can reduce tensions and anger toward each other and as we the people realize that Cawthorn’s post is not the issue. U.S foreign policy is the issue.
Obviously, Cawthorn’s intention in posting his comments on Instagram was an honest expression that the government’s policy resulted in killing innocent people. And regardless of being Americans or Muslims, the grief is the same for all.
But as a Muslim I believe that for the anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the U.S on 9/11, every word, post and comment, tear, and silent moment should be dedicated ONLY to the innocent lives we lost in America.
– Serwan Zangana supported Operation Iraqi Freedom as a U.S Army translator beforecoming to the U.S from Kurdistan, Iraq in 1997 to seek political asylum. He was granted asylum status and years later proudly became a U.S citizen. He currently serves as a correction officer in Roanoke.