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Randy Huff: Who Knew Personal Choice Could Be So Wrong?

What Butker did was dare to speak truth as he saw it.The news cycle dismays with its speed, the worst news soon forgotten in the daily ocean of new...

DEVOTIONAL: No Room For Antisemitism

You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for...

ROBERT L. MARONIC: The Hypocritical Toleration Of Antisemitism

The Hitler Youth Among College And University Presidents If the radical leftist students, who have been...

MELINDA MYERS: Ornamental and Edible Gardens and Containers

Boost the flavor and beauty of your landscape by adding a few ornamental edible plants...

RANDY HUFF: What Could Have Been A Casual Complaint and Casual Accusation

We were walking through the terminal, weary from the flight. Without thought, I voiced the...


I enjoyed the fireworks, the hot dogs and the music. I chose to wear red, white and blue to celebrate our birth as a...


Writing, for me, has been a hobby that I have always hoped would reach some hearts along the way. But recently the work by...

CHRISTOPHER GELBERT: 3 Tips For Keeping Your Moral Compass On Course

The news cycle is often rife with controversy involving public figures. And sometimes a fall from grace - from Hollywood to politics, the corporate...

SAMUEL MOORE-SOBEL: Battle of the Bulge

I am overweight.I have just recently come to this realization, despite the fact that my doctor continually references my weight in relation to the...

Natural Pain Relief is as Close as Your Garden

Busy schedules, over indulging, and strenuous summer activities can lead to sore muscles, indigestion and headaches. When searching for pain relief, look no further...

DICK BAYNTON: Independence Day #242, 2018

Not everyone realizes that The Revolutionary War lasted over 8 years - from 1775 to 1783. Officially, the conflict began when the Colonial Militia...