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JOHNNY ROBINSON: The Magic of Merlin

It’s technological genius. It’s revolutionary. Its a game changer. It’s Merlin the bird identification app on my phone. Created by the ornithologists, the bird brains, of the Cornell University...

FRED FIRST: Jack Is A Dull Boy, Who’s Hands Have Never Been Busier

My thought life is being boxed and packing-taped in cardboard, the more so as we...

RANDY HUFF: Rivers – Meandering and Meaning . . .

The first word that comes to mind when I hear "meander" is "river."Specifically, "Yukon River."It...

SERWAN ZANGANA: Volunteer Doctor Confirms Hamas’ Leaders Use Hospitals as Shelters

Kurdish doctor Baxtiyar Baram is an orthopedic surgeon, lives in Denmark and works for Norwegian...

BOB BROWN: Exercising The Mind

Most people feel better after exercise.  Years ago, while reporting on the benefits of regular...

FRED FIRST: Welcome Winter! (I Will Try To Give This Season A Chance – Again)

… When winter comes, our morning walks don’t end, but they are no longer a casual tiptoe through the woods.Winter walks are a deep-sea...


Be still, and know that I am God. --Psalm 46:10 ESV Born in 1934, author and pastor Chuck Swindoll is still active at 89 leading...

SERWAN ZANGANA: US Policy With Iran Shows Double Standards Towards Trump Vs. Biden

In 2020, a majority in the House of Representatives passed a resolution to limit President Donald Trump from waging a war against Iran. This...

FRED FIRST: To Age Well, Start Young

"There is no cure for the common birthday . . . "   - John Glenn I remember it clearly. I was 12 when I first...

MELIINDA MYERS: Boost Your Mood With Fragrant Indoor Plants

There’s no need to visit a spa for a bit of soothing aromatherapy. Grow fragrant plants indoors to improve your mood and promote a...

ROBERT L. MARONIC: The Stench From The Bench Is Making Me Clench

The Colorado Supreme Court narrowly ruled (4-3) on December 19 to “disqualify” or bar former President Trump from the Republican presidential primary on March...