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BOB BROWN: Derelict Christians

“Providence has given to our people the choice of their ruler, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select...

MELINDA MYERS: Use Fresh Herbs to Flavor Holiday Meals

Grow, harvest and season your holiday meals with fresh herbs grown indoors in a windowsill...

SERWAN ZANGANA: Citizens Can Expel Current City Council Members / Cobb or Keep The Chaos

Vice Mayor Joe Cobb’s preconceived mentality has covered his view and blocked his ears from...

Morgan Griffith: Foreign Election Interference?

During the last week of September, the United National General Assembly welcomed several high-profile heads...

BOB BROWN: The Golden Mean

What comes to mind when you see or hear, “The Golden Mean”?“The golden mean is...

Extension Connection: A Simple and Delicious Way to Enjoy Seasonal Foods

Last weekend I purchased “Roasting Vegetables in a Bag” from a farmer’s market.  In the bag were kale leaves, new potatoes, kohlrabi, green...

A Father’s Day Poem For Dad

For all the times you made me hold that darned ladder; For all the times you said, "if you throw that tennis racquet again, we're...

Hey Coach! No One’s Calling Me Back…

Readers: A dad and I have been emailing recently.  He’s extremely involved in his daughter’s recruiting.  I believe he’s at the point where he may...

The Joy of Still Livin’ in Roanoke

Whenever I run into him on the trails of Mill Mountain we chat for a few minutes. I admire his old dog. We let...

Waiting for Fireflies

It’s that time again.  Time for the fireflies to arrive.  Every year I find myself anxiously anticipating the first sighting and last week ---...

Why is Complaining a Sin?

I hate spinach sandwiches," says Todd, 7. Although I admit the thought of a spinach sandwich is revolting, Todd, I'm afraid you misunderstood my question....