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The Stealth Tax Increase That Remains in The Virginia Budget

A Commentary From The Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public PolicyWhile there has been much celebration at the passage of a new $188 billion biennial budget for Virginia, this deal...

Youngkin Prevents Two Tax Increases, Will Sign Record State Budget

After much political theater, the Virginia General Assembly and Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) have now...

With The Tents At UVA Down, The Blowback Begins

By James A. BaconFollowing the decision to take down the tents in the UVA Solidarity...

Screen Time for Kids, Peace of Mind for Parents

Editors Note: We normally don't run commentaries / articles that promote a company or one...

Congress Values Names More Than Housing for Service Members

By Donald Smith; first published on “Removing the last vestiges of Confederate history from the...

Commentary: The Supreme Court Protects Our Constitution

As the Supreme Court term draws to an end, it releases decisions on the cases it has heard. These decisions can have far-reaching effects...

The SML Center: Imagine the Possibilities

Every time I drive by the vacant Grand Home Furnishings showroom at Westlake Corner, I imagine the possibilities.I’m filled with enthusiasm about this building...

Real Issues Versus Continued Distraction in Government

When I talk to constituents, I hear a lot of concerns they want Washington to address. The cost of living, high energy prices, the...

Governor Youngkin’s VMI “Visitors” Appointments are Key

The last two years have been transformative for the Virginia Military Institute. A secular religion, Critical Race Theory (CRT) – which requires “antiracist” good...

“Nationalism” Is Not A Dirty Word–It’s Reasonable Self-Preservation

Coming from Kurdistan region of Iraq as a political asylee, I completely understand the agony and suffering of those who are living under dictatorships...

Calls For Mandatory Prayer Inappropriate

It seems that no school shooting is complete without renewed calls for mandatory prayer in the public school classroom. But how exactly would that...