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Fred First

FRED FIRST: To The End of The End of The Book

The uncertainty and never-ending unknowing may soon end. For the past year, there has been no dry land on the horizon. But we may not be adrift much longer.To...

FRED FIRST: My Wee Musical Man-Cave

Digital Tones and Frets and Reeds: Oh My!A month ago this small room behind me...

FRED FIRST: Still is Still Moving . . .

We just don't quite know when the VAN will be at the door THE RECAPThe storyline...

FRED FIRST: Turning Points of Note From a Season of Change

First night: Middle of April: The sliding doors are open with nothing but the screens to...

FRED FIRST: What Was A Half Million Acres of Cypress Swamp

The transformation of the Missouri Boot HeelA year from today, I will be living in...

FRED FIRST: Creature Corner: That’s No Worm!

Hands and Knees and a Closer Look: It's a Tiny Blind SnakeOur son was randomly looking through his photo archives last week and came...

FRED FIRST: The Onset of RINGXiety and Other Communication Hallucinations

Our expectations shape our experience. We know this at some level, and use it to teach our children to predict a good outcome on...

FRED FIRST: Leafing The World Behind

I mentioned recently that I am using a camera app on my iPhone called NightCap Camera. I made the claim that I intended to...

FRED FIRST: Family Time – Black Mountain North Carolina

We recently spent a few days away, a few hours from home, with both our children (and one spouse) and two grand-children in Black...

FRED FIRST: Changing of The Guard

The seasonal gears are shifting. Can you feel it?Life transitions, day by shorter day, from turbo overdrive of summer to the slow uphill crawl...

FRED FIRST: Tending The Melodies of A Lifetime

The advent of the COVID weeks, then months, then years wreaked untold hardship and abnormality for humans everywhere. If there is a silver lining...