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MIKE KEELER: May 1774: The Empire Strikes Back

On May 13, 1774, a large vessel sailed into Boston Harbor. It wasn't a whaler, it wasn't a trading ship of any kind. It was the HMS Lively, a...

FRED FIRST: To The End of The End of The Book

The uncertainty and never-ending unknowing may soon end. For the past year, there has been...

SCOT BELLAVIA: A Chance Rescue

Normally, I wouldn’t have been driving home. I went to church early to set up...

MELINDA MYERS: Gardening Helps Grow Healthy, Happy Kids

Gardeners know and research is proving that gardening, even viewing a garden, as well as...

Of Bears and Men and Meeting in the Woods . . . Revisited

I've thought much on this woman-meets-man-or-bear-alone-in-the-woods meme, and I tried to write on it yesterday....

Between Politicians and University Students, America Becomes Both Guilty and Victim

The United States has become both the guilty and the victim! It is a nation of great diversity and complexity when it comes to...

Of Bears and Men and Meeting in the Woods

Sadly, a meme, while giving voice to fears of women, added insult to injury instead of healing. I’ve seen of late the assertion that a...

Hope of Israel Congregation Remembers The 6 Million Murdered in The Holocaust

On a quiet Sunday evening a somber 'Hope of Israel' congregation remembered the six million Jewish people who were murdered by the Nazis during...

MORGAN GRIFFITH: A Very Problematic Healthcare Hack

Our country is experiencing a massive shift in technology. Our daily activities often revolve around computers and smartphones.Our Information Technology (IT) infrastructure grows daily....

MIKE KEELER: One Big Bottle of DUH

Let us now praise the pandemic.It was poetic that on the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day back in April 2020, when the world was...

FRED FIRST: My Wee Musical Man-Cave

Digital Tones and Frets and Reeds: Oh My!A month ago this small room behind me was just my office. Now it is also my...