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Keith McCurdy

KEITH McCURDY: No Time for Chores?

I hear this complaint from parents on a regular basis….”Johnny just doesn’t have any time for chores.” Not only is this a testament to just how busy we have...

Parenting 911….HELP!

“It’s an unfortunate time of year” quoted a parent recently, commenting on the first nine...

Teen Curfew Leads to Detachment

Summer is here and hundreds of new teenage drivers are hitting the streets with new...

Grumbling is an Opportunity for Growth

A common question asked by many parents is “How can I get my child to...

Social Media….Not!

I just spent the weekend with a bunch of Boy Scouts and leaders in the...

An Old Perspective for New Year

by Keith McCurdy Recently, while listening to a teenager complain about how unfair life was and how her entire day had been ruined by...

Celebrating Marriage

by Keith McCurdy We have just celebrated Thanksgiving and are now upon the very Eve of Christmas.  How about celebrating a little marriage in...

What is Your Child’s Job Description?

by Keith McCurdy If you had to write a “kid job description” what would you write?  I was actually asked this question recently…and it...

Celebrating Mediocrity

by Keith McCurdy Recently a friend told me a story about his son’s football banquet.  As my friend put it, they weren’t even close...

Support Your Local Teacher

by Keith McCurdy Ahh!  School has started.  The children are occupied for the day.  Bedtimes are in force again and all is right with...

In Pursuit of Manners

by Keith McCurdy What is the biggest problem with kids today?  When I ask that question to a group of parents, I get many...