Mary Jo Shannon
Merger Of The Finn And The American
That’s what my new grandson-in-law, Tero Ronkainen, entitled the PowerPoint presentation he gave in lieu of a speech at the reaffirmation of his wedding vows in Richmond on August...
Change – The One Thing That Is Constant
Nature is rapidly reclaiming the area where our garden flourished only five years ago. Although...
Patience Is A Virtue
“Patience is a virtue; possess it if you can. Seldom found in woman; never found in...
Our Very Adventuresome Sarah
On August 17th our granddaughter, Sarah Davis will be married in Helsinki, Finland. Only her...
What Makes A Happy Birthday?
Husband Harry says birthdays do not mean that much to him. It’s just another day...
The Great Hope For Haiti
Scenes of destruction and suffering from the earthquake in Haiti wrench our hearts. They also bring back vivid memories of my first visit to...
A Very Good Taste of Yesterday
One thing is certain where salt-rising bread is concerned - you either love it or hate it. The real thing, tingly and sour with...
The Best Laid Plans…
“The best- laid plans of mice and men / Go oft awry" .. Robert Burns , To a Mouse
When our son...
The Worst Christmas Memories are Sometimes the Best
Christmas comes but once a year” -- and we often have such high expectations for that special day. We want everything to be perfect...
Giving Thanks for Penicillin
One doctor’s appointment I can truly say I enjoyed was my annual visit to my allergist, Dr. Alexander McCausland, who took a “medical leave...
You Never Really Know . . .
Seldom do we realize the impact our words and actions may have on those with whom we come in contact daily. Even the most...