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Preacher's Corner

Called To What?

SECOND READING HEBREWS 5:1-10 / GOSPEL MARK 10:35-45Well there’s that name again: “Melchizedek.” Even those who are fairly good at dwelling in their bibles as much as possible are only...

Staying Open To The Impossible

FIRST READING ISAIAH 25:6-9 SECOND READINGS:  REVELATION 21:1-6A / GOSPEL JOHN 11:32-44 I am always amazed at...

Boldly We Go

FIRST READING JOB 23:1-9, 16-17 / SECOND READING HEBREWS 4:12-16  I think that generally speaking modern men...

Not As It Should Be

FIRST READING JOB 1:1, 2:1-10 / GOSPEL MARK 10:2-16 Our Old Testament scripture today gives us this...

The Great Escape

PSALM 124:1-8 / SECOND READING JAMES 5:13-20 Have you ever made a seriously “great escape” in your...

Why Did God Create Babies? Kids Talk About God – By Carey Kinsolving

"God created babies to entertain people," says Jacob, age unknown. "They entertain by looking cute and talking baby talk. For some reason, people...

Preacher’s Corner: The Gift of Lent

Many people see Lent as a somber season of heavy clouds and weary faces.  Some grew up fasting during Ash Wednesday and the...

Preacher’s Corner: From the Older Brother’s Room

For the past several months I have been directing our attention to Jesus’ parable in Luke 15.  The parable that is commonly referred...

Avatar Sets One to Thinking: What Body This? By The Reverend Barkley Thompson

It was an almost foregone conclusion.  There James Cameron sat several Sunday evenings ago, his hair more silver than it was thirteen years...

The Preacher’s Corner: The Best Is Yet to Come…? by Tupper Garden

The wine steward said, “Everyone serves the good wine first, and then the inferior wine after the guests have become drunk. But you...

What Would You Change In The New Year?

"I would like to change my bedtime on New Year's Eve," says Tyler, 11. "I usually go to bed at 10 p.m., but...