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New Freedom Farm To Host Re-Opening Showcase

All are welcome to join us for New Freedom Farm, Inc's Re-Opening Showcase. If you have not visited the farm before or are simply unaware of what we do,...

Governor Youngkin and First Lady Recognize National Fentanyl Awareness Day in Roanoke

Governor Glenn Youngkin and First Lady Suzanne S. Youngkin recognized National Fentanyl Awareness Day across...

Virginia Residents Will Need ‘REAL ID’ to Board An Airplane Starting May 2025

Do you have a star on your Virginia driver’s license? If not, there’s still time...

RANDY HUFF: Estate Sales, Letting Go, and Hope

I see the yard and trees and driveway through the window and I wonder if...

MELINDA MYERS: Boost the Beauty and Comfort of Your Outdoor Spaces

Add some comfort and beauty to your outdoor spaces this year. Look for options that...

How Will Representatives Cline and Griffith Vote On Budget / Debt Blowout?

As reported on the US Debt Clock, America's federal government passed the $31.8 trillion mark a few days ago. (One trillion has 12 zeroes...

Roanoke City Accused of Breaking Law Regarding Procurement Requirements For Roanoke Times’ Building

The Democrat-controlled Roanoke City Council is no stranger to scandal and controversy, but now a new letter has placed Council and the Roanoke City...

Shoplifting Surge Forces Walmart To Lock Up Daily Items / City Leaders Ignore Issue

Roanoke for generations has been known as a charming city - "The Star City of the South" - with friendly people and safe streets....

Renewables or Fossil Fuels? Voters Want Both

Given a choice between an energy future that is a) dependent on generation using sun, wind or falling water, or b) dependent on thermal...

Chris Head Receives Endorsements From Gov. Youngkin For State Senate Bid

Chris Head (R-Botetourt) has been representing portions of Roanoke City and the Counties of Roanoke and Botetourt in the House of Delegates for several...

DEVOTIONAL: You Were Designed For Community (1)

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. -- Matthew 18:20 (NIV)“Wolfgang Dircks, a divorced, disabled loner, was...