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School Board Wants Proffers Changed at PH

Its only been 2 short years since Roanoke City made “firm agreements” with the neighborhood surround Patrick Henry High School but Roanoke School Board Chairman David Carson is calling for more “bang for the buck” from the new stadium site.

Carson is seeking to have proffers changed that will allow the lights at Gainer Field to be left on more often for events such as football and soccer practices.  He will speak to the Raleigh Court Civic League this Thursday night about that.

“We are doing our best to be as above-board and forthcoming as we can,” Carson told the Star-Sentinel. “We are trying to get certain proffers amended in time enough to help the spring sports season at PH. My goal is to have everyone understand what we are asking and why, so that no one thinks we are skulking around. At some point in the coming months, I anticipate asking the planning commission to amend certain proffers.”

Carson said when proffers were first offered, the school day ended earlier at Patrick Henry, making it easier to squeeze in practices before nightfall. “Since that time, the school day is ending either 30 or 40 minutes later, which has the effect of reducing the number of daylight hours available to practice.”

It’s a numbers game said Carson: “There are also eight teams in need of athletic fields during a limited amount of time. The current proffers prohibit the use of lighting for any practices.” He points to a boys soccer team that had to practice in the gym before a regional soccer playoff last season because the field couldn’t be lighted.

Carson said he has let it be known at School Board and City Council meetings that he intended to seek a change in certain proffers regarding the use of lighting for practices and the scheduling of games.

Maureen Eiger lives on Mt. Vernon. “Sound is the problem. You can’t block it out.  I hear the yelling and screaming.”  She said there are other “activities [going on] than what they initially promised. They could have something running there seven days a week.”

Eiger said the height of the bleachers is higher than originally proposed, which allows more sound to seep into the surrounding neighborhood. She can block out the lights with curtains. “I can’t sleep …noise is the main problem.” Any proffer changes offered would have to go through the Planning Commission, then City Council. “You can’t trust these people anymore,” said Eiger.

For his part Carson is making it very clear that he seeks transparency in the process. “We are seeking to amend certain proffers.In that effort, I have spoken with a group of neighbors several weeks ago to seek input on what we are trying to do.  I spoke with the civic league board last week.  I am speaking to the general membership this week.  This is after announcing at both school board and city council meetings last spring and this summer that we were seeking to do so.

By Gene Marrano
[email protected]

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