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Cadets Come to Roanoke

The Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets Regimental Band, the Highty-Tighties, the Color Guard, and the Gregory Guard, (the corps rifle drill team), will be in Roanoke on Dec. 5 to support the “Red, White, and Blue Ridge PBS Day of Honor.” The event will take place at the Roanoke Performing Arts Theatre at 2:30 p.m. and will feature 4TROOPS, a new pop vocal group comprised of Iraq and Afghanistan combat veterans. The Highty-Tighties and the Gregory Guard will perform as part of the pre-concert activities starting at 1:30 p.m. The Color Guard will present the colors immediately before the start of the concert. This event will honor military veterans and current service members, including the Virginia National Guard 1st Battalion, 116th Infantry Regiment, recently back from Iraq. For more information or to purchase tickets for the Red, White and Blue Ridge PBS Day of Honor, visit Blue Ridge PBS or the Roanoke Civic Center online or call 877-482-8496.

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