I want to take this opportunity to respond to the uninformed advertisement that ran in last week’s Roanoke Star Sentinel. Obviously the organizers behind this ad failed to do their research. Otherwise, they would have found that I have in fact taken a strong position on President Obama’s recent actions in Libya and my concerns have been well publicized by several local media outlets including a recent story that ran in the Roanoke Times.
As everyone is well aware, on March 18th, President Obama met with Congressional leaders to inform them of U.S. action against Libya. The following day, U.S. forces, at the command of President Obama, began attacking targets, controlled by Libyan dictator Moammar Gaddafi, by air.
I think most Americans, including myself, agree that seeing Moammar Gadhafi and his regime of thugs removed from power would be a good thing. However, I think most Americans, including myself, also feel strongly that American forces should not be committed to this kind of mission without the consent of the U.S. Congress.
President Obama cites the War Powers Resolution of 1973 as giving him the authority to commit U.S. forces to the mission in Libya. However, the War Powers Resolution clearly states that the President’s powers as Commander in Chief to introduce U.S. forces into hostilities can be exercised only when a declaration of war has been issued, specific statutory authorization has been given or in the event of a national emergency created by an attack on the United States or its forces. While the President did notify Congress of the use of force, he has failed to define the mission in Libya and America’s role in achieving that mission before committing troops in Libya. For that reason, Congress is currently evaluating the steps taken by the President in Libya to determine if he has violated the law.
In addition, I am a cosponsor and strong supporter of two resolutions introduced by Representative Tom Cole which require both the Secretaries of Defense and State to provide the House of Representatives with all documentation that their Departments posses which relate to any consultation with Congress regarding the military action the U.S. has taken in Libya.
I am also a cosponsor of a resolution recently introduced by Representative Ron Paul of Texas, which expresses the sense of the Congress that the President is required to obtain in advance specific authorization for the use of U.S. Armed Forces in response to civil unrest in Libya. Rest assured that I will continue calling on our Congressional leaders to hold a vote on the Constitutional authority of the President to use force in Libya.
Finally, anytime constituents have a question about my position on the important issues facing our nation I encourage them to be in contact with me. Every day I receive hundreds of phone calls, e-mails, faxes and letters from folks all across the 6th Congressional District and as your elected Representative in Washington, D.C. nothing is more important to me than the thoughts and concerns of my constituents.
-Congressman Bob Goodlatte