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Roanoke Pastor to Lead Church’s National Conference

Pastor Tim Harvey

Tim Harvey, pastor of Central Church of the Brethren in Roanoke will serve as moderator of the Church of the Brethren’s Annual Conference. The event is July 7-11 in St. Louis, Missouri. It will be the 226th recorded annual meeting of the denomination.

Harvey will serve in the highest elected position in the Church of the Brethren. He will preside over business and preach for the Sunday morning service July 8. He is assisted by moderator-elect Robert Krouse, pastor of Little Swatara Church of the Brethren in Bethel, PA.

With the theme “Continuing the Work of Jesus. Peacefully. Simply. Together”– a long-standing denominational tagline–the Conference will focus on several directional goals including church planting, service, and congregational vitality, among others.

The schedule includes worship, business sessions, Bible study, workshops, meal events, support groups, and age-group programs for children and youth. Delegates and church members from 1,000 congregations and 23 districts across the US and Puerto Rico will attend, including families, pastors, denominational officers, and church staff.

Harvey has pastored Central Church of the Brethren since 2004. He grew up in Broadway, VA. His home congregation is Bethel Church of the Brethren in the Shenandoah District, where he was first licensed to the ministry in 1991. Previous pastoral service has been as youth minister/associate pastor at Dayton Church of the Brethren, where he was ordained, and as pastor at New Hope Church of the Brethren in Patrick County.

He was a member of the Church of the Brethren’s Mission and Ministry Board from 2003-08, and chaired the board from 2007-08. In Roanoke, he has chaired Congregations in Action, an interfaith group of nine congregations partnering to serve a public elementary school. He holds a bachelor of science in chemistry from Virginia Tech, and a master of divinity from Eastern Mennonite Seminary.

The Church of the Brethren is a Christian denomination that began in 1708 in Germany. It celebrated a 300th anniversary in 2008. The church is committed to continuing the work of Jesus, and to living out its faith in community. It is one of three Historic Peace Churches along with the Friends (Quakers) and Mennonites. The church counts 123,000 members in 1,000 congregations and has sister churches in Nigeria, The Dominican Republic, Brazil, Haiti, and India.

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