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7th Annual Drumstick Dash To Be Held Thanksgiving Morning


Over 16,500 are expected to “move their feet so others can eat” as part of the seventh annual StellarOne Drumstick Dash to benefit the Roanoke Rescue Mission.

By participating in the DASH, Runners, walkers, babies in strollers (and well behaved dogs on leashes!) will raise funds to provide food, shelter and medical care for homeless families in the Roanoke Valley.

When the Dash began seven years ago the hope was to attract a thousand participants. That first year there were over 1,600 runners and walkers. “It has become ‘THE’ place to be on Thanksgiving morning,” said Barbara Robertson, who has been involved in the race all seven years.

“You never know what is going to happen; one year a couple got engaged in the middle of the race!” said Leslie Littlefield who helps coordinate the street marshals and other volunteers for the race.

The StellarOne Drumstick Dash makes a significant difference at the Rescue Mission.  Each day emergency shelter, food and medical care are provided for families in crisis.

An anticipated $300,000 will be raised by the Dash. The event starts at 9am at the intersection of Williamson Road and Franklin Road.

Fast Dash Facts:

  •  In 2011, families from 40 states along with Canada, Denmark, Norway, Germany, Great Britain, and Afghanistan made this the largest road race in the region.
  • It has been called Roanoke’s biggest family reunion with special recognition for the largest family registered.
  • Winning runners in each age category receive handmade pewter medallions and homemade pumpkin pies.
  • There are awards for the largest groups of participants as well including Businesses, Churches, Families, and Schools.
  • The “NEW” route is located in historic downtown Roanoke.
  • Musicians of all types will be performing on street corners all along the route for the enjoyment of the runners and walkers. (There are still some unclaimed corners so budding musicians should contact Tiffany Rawling at [email protected] to secure their spots.)
  • Over 82 sponsors have provided financial support and in-kind donations to make the 2012 StellarOne Drumstick Dash possible. Sponsorships have accounted for over $113,000 so far in 2012.
  • Those who will not be in Roanoke on Thanksgiving Day can still Dash Away using  “cyberdash,” a  live streaming android app that can be downloaded at*
  • In previous years, the Drumstick Dash has had participants in their eighties and newborns just days old. There was even a quadriplegic who ran with prosthetics one year.

Want to help? Drumstick Dash Volunteers are still needed. Contact Volunteer Coordinator, Leslie Littlefield at 540-777-7651  or  [email protected]  for more information.

Not going to be in town on Thanksgiving but still want to support the Rescue Mission? Use “DASH AWAY!”  Costing a flat registration rate of $15, which guarantees a Drumstick Dash t-shirt, Dash Away participants are committed to “moving their feet” wherever they might be.

NEW THIS YEAR: You may now download the Rescue Mission android app, or go online Thanksgiving morning at to watch the Drumstick Dash run, LIVE.

To register or for more information, visit, or call 540-343-7227.

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