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Land Preservation Tax Needs To Continue

Dear Editor,

Del. Dave Albo (R-Springfield) has introduced a bill (H2253) in the General Assembly that would repeal the state’s Land Preservation Tax Credit (LPC) to fund transportation. The Blue Ridge Land Conservancy stands firmly opposed to this bill and any others that would repeal or lessen the impact of the LPC.

The LPC is a valuable incentive for Virginians who wish to forever preserve and protect their land for the benefit of all citizens of the Commonwealth. Since the LPC was made transferable by the General Assembly in 2002, more than 619,000 acres of land in Virginia have been conserved, including nearly 200,000 acres in the Blue Ridge Land Conservancy’s service area in the Roanoke region.

The LPC protects working farmland at a fraction of the actual value of the land conserved, supporting the Commonwealth’s top industry, agriculture, and creates much-needed jobs and economic development by attracting new businesses, entrepreneurs and employees seeking outdoor recreational opportunities and an outstanding quality of life.

The House of Delegates should vote down H2253 and instead support and enhance the Land Protection Tax Credit, for the betterment of all Virginians today and future generations of Virginians to come.


Sandra B. Light

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