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In Roanoke Fitness Really Can Be Fun

In your article about the 100 day miler, we are reminded that fitness activities can be something fun and be an activity we love to do!  Fitness activities take only thirty minutes each day.

Recently,  I   joined the YMCA. What a wonderful place for the total person. When you come in, you are greeted by friendly staff, the sounds of Christian music playing over the speakers, and even a prayer box for prayer requests.

The people the Y serves include individuals with disabilities, seniors, teens, and many others.  They even have a place for the young children to go be while a parent or grandparent works out.   My favorite activity is the water arthritis classes.  The first day I was told by the individuals in the class that “we are like a family.”  In addition, there are Zumba, Yoga, Basketball, Walking, etc.  offered  at the YMCA.

Activity is changing the way my body feels. I go in with aching joints and come out feeling refreshed by the warm water and encouraging words of others and staff.  I give a plug for the Y because it is based on your income if disabled or financially burdened.   The YMCA is for everybody.

However, the 100 day walking program by the Roanoke Parks  and  Recreation,  fits many individuals needs as well.   As the article said, “The key is to get moving for 30 additional minutes each day.” Activities can be biking, hiking, swimming, dancing, walking, yoga, and the list goes on.

So get moving – it can change your life. As I said in the beginning, make it fun. In addition, everyone is an individual. Fitness is unique to the person.

Donna Willard


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