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“Art in the Airport” Brings In New Works

Madras A2AX – photo by Richard Mallory Allnutt

The Roanoke Regional Airport Commission has announced the third installment of the Art in the Airport program. The  program features local artists from  the region and provides them exposure to the over 1,000,000 visitors to the airport each year.  This quarter, art pieces  feature the theme of aviation.

“This art initiative is a great way to feature the exceptional talents of our local artists.  These works allow the airport to partner with the community and expose the many visitors to the airport and region the talents of our  artists,” said Timothy T. Bradshaw, A.A.E., executive director of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission.

Each quarter, the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission will send out a request for art from the

19 counties the airport serves.    The three artists featured are Richard Mallory Allnutt, Troy DeHaven, and Jennifer Printz.  Each of their works is on display on the second floor of the west side of the terminal building.  The art is available for purchase directly through the artist; however, the paintings must remain in place until April 16, 2018.

This installment of the art showcase at Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport opened January 24, 2018 and runs through April 16, 2018.

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