The Roanoke County School Board has approved the 2018-19 budget for the coming school year. The total general fund budget is $146,562,888, an increase of less than one percent over the previous fiscal year.
Highlights of this budget include:
- One-step salary increase for all employees (1.55% average)
- 1% shift in Teacher Scale (steps 1-30)
- 1% stipend for teachers who are over the top of the Teacher Scale
- Health insurance benefit increase (school board share)
- Elimination of the KeyCare 200 plan
- Retention of the KeyCare 1000 plan with a $500 (or $1000 for dependent coverage) cash deposit into an employee health reimbursement account (HRA) on July 1, 2018
- Substitute pay rate increase for teachers, instructional assistants, and nurses
- Athletic supplement pay increase (Phase 2 of Compensation Plan)
- Governor’s School transportation
- Guidance and Dean of Student positions during Cave Spring High renovation
“This was a challenging budget,” said Jason Moretz, chairman of the Roanoke County School Board. “I’m pleased that we are able to provide a pay increase to all staff and an additional increase for teachers. I commend the school administration for finding a way to make this happen,” he said.
Roanoke County Public Schools has experienced an unusually challenging winter this year, resulting in a total of nine (9) missed days and two delayed openings.
In an effort to make up instructional time, the school system is extending the school day for all schools starting on Wednesday, March 28 (except Back Creek Elementary).
Beginning March 28, the elementary school day will begin at 7:45 a.m. and will conclude at 2:30 p.m. The school day for middle and high schools will begin at the normal time (8:20 a.m.) and will end at 3:35 p.m.
For Back Creek Elementary ONLY, the extended school day will begin on Monday, March 26. The Back Creek Elementary school day will begin at 7:40 a.m. and will end at 2:30 p.m. This is because Back Creek missed an additional day due to an extended power outage.
If no additional days are missed, Monday May 28 (Memorial Day) will not be a school make up day. If there are any additional snow days, Memorial Day will be a school make up day.